Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

Why does it take so long to get a Registered Title for land which was previously unregistered? 

The Government of Jamaica guarantees the title to land, therefore documents relating to the transaction are investigated for compliance with the Registration of Titles Act, regulations thereunder and other related Statutes. 
The examination and investigation of Title that takes place, helps to support this guarantee. Further where land is registered by Plan, the Survey Diagram is referred to the Director of Surveys for comparison and to advise whether or not it is acceptable. It is also required that notice of the application to be given to the public in the form of an advertisement in a newspaper circulating in the neighbourhood of the land. This is necessary as it provides notice to the world that you are applying for a title to a particular piece of land. 
Anyone who has an objection to the title being issued has seven (7) weeks after the appearance of the first advertisement to object by lodging a caveat with the Registrar of Titles and proceeding to court. Once court action has commenced it suspends registration.




Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts September 10, 2024

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