Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

NLA Price List: Land Valuation and Land Titling

* All costs and charges are in Jamaican Dollars (Ja$)
Fee No. : 0
Title Search (V/F) $500
Fee No. : 0
Strata Plan Search $500
Fee No. : 0
Caveat Cards*. * To lodge a caveat is 0.5% of the interest being claimed. $60
Fee No. : 0
General Searches $800
Fee No. : 0
Photocopies (Internal Documents Only) $30
Fee No. : 1
On making application to bring land under the operation of the Act__ When the applicant is the original grantee under patent or under deed of conveyance from the commissioners for the sale of incumbered estates, or under an Act declaring the title acquired by such grantee to be indefeasible, or under any order of the Supreme Court or Resident Magistrate’s Court, and no transaction affecting the land has taken place since the date of such patent, deed of conveyance or order… $100
Fee No. : 1
When the title is of any other description and the value of the land does not exceed $10,000… $100
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value exceeds $10,000 and does not exceed $20,000 $200
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value exceeds $40,000 and does not exceed $60,000 $600
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value is $60,000-$80,000 and does not exceed $100,000 $800
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value exceeds $100,000 and does not exceed $120,000 $1,200
Fee No. : 1
For every $2000 or part of $2000 in excess of $120,000 $20
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value exceeds $20,000 and does not exceed $40,000 $400
Fee No. : 1
The like when the value exceeds $60,000 and does not exceed $80,000 $800
Fee No. : 2
On making applications for re-registration by plan - when the value of the land does not exceed $20,000 $120
Fee No. : 2
When the value exceeds $20,000 but not $40,000 $240
Fee No. : 2
When the value exceeds $40,000 but not $100,000 $600
Fee No. : 2
For every $5,000 or part of $5,000 after the first $100,000 $30
Fee No. : 3
On making application for the entry of a person as proprietor on transmission in respect of land lease, mortgage or charge when the value does not exceed $10,000 $1,000
Fee No. : 3
When the value exceeds $1,000 and does not exceed $2,000 $1,000
Fee No. : 3
For every $2,000 or part of $2,000, after the first $2,000 $1,000
Fee No. : 3
Provided always that the fee in no case shall exceed $1,000
Fee No. : 4
Contribution to Assurance Fund - (b) Upon the registration of any land by plan; for every $1,000 in value of the land $2.50
Fee No. : 4
Contribution to Assurance Fund - (a) Upon first bringing land under this Act; for every $1,000 in value of the land $5
Fee No. : 5(1) a
For every certificate of title - when the value of the land does not exceed $10,000 $120
Fee No. : 5(1) b
When the value of the land exceeds $10,000 and does not exceed $50,000 $150
Fee No. : 5(1) c
When the value exceeds $50,000 and does not exceed $100,000 $800
Fee No. : 5(1) d
For every $10,000 or part of $10,000 in excess of the first $100,000 in the value of the land $50
Fee No. : 5
Provided that the maximum fee shall be - (c) $100 in the case of a new certificate in place of a certificate of title surrendered under the provisions of section 79 of this Act. When land is identified by plan to be attached to or form part of the certificate of title there shall be paid, for preparing the plan to be referred to in the certificate, an additional fee equal to that prescribed for a certificate of title for land of corresponding value, restricted however to $500 or such larger sum as the Registrar shall consider to be reasonable for the amount of work involved. $100
Fee No. : 5(2)a
Provided that the maximum fee shall be - (a) in the case of a new certificate issued on a transfer of a portion of registered land or on re-registration; $5,000
Fee No. : 5(2)b
In place of a lost Certificate of Title $3000
Fee No. : 5(2)c
In place of a Certificate of Title surrendered under the provisions of Section 79 of the Act   $1,500
Fee No. : 5(2)d

Any other lodgement resulting in the issuance of a Certificate of Title

Fee No. : 5(3)

When land is identified by plan to be attached to or form part of the Certificate of Title, there shall be paid for preparing the plan to be referred to in the certificate, an additional fee of $2,000.00 or such larger sums as the Registrar shall consider to be reasonable for the amount of work involved.

Fee No. : 6

On lodging for registration of: (a) a lease or a transfer thereof; (b) or a transfer not for value; (c) or a transfer in consideration of marriage; (d) or a transfer by way of partition; (e) or a transfer of a mortgage or charge for value or otherwise

Fee No. : 7
On lodging a caveat against bringing land under the operation of the Registration of titles Act $1,000
Fee No. : 8
On every excess $1,000 or part of $1,000 in excess of $2,000… For the purpose of this item the value of the land or interest affected shall be the value of the consideration directly or indirectly paid or secured or agreed to be paid or secured as set out in the instrument to be registered, and in the case of a caveat the value of the estate or interest specified and claimed therein either as set out in the document under which the estate or interest is claimed and a copy whereof accompanies the caveat or in a statutory declaration by the Caveator which shall accompany such caveat. $5
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ 3) Where a mortgage or charge is secured on unregistered land or other property as well as on registered land, the fee shall be assessed on the sum which bears the same proportion to the whole sum secured as the value of the registered land bears to the value of the whole security. $0
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ 4) The fee on a mortgage or charge by way of additional or substituted security and for no additional consideration shall be… $100
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ 6) Where withdrawal of a caveat against a Certificate of Title in respect of an advance is lodged with a mortgage to be registered on or caveat to affect the same certificate within 18 months of the date of the lodging of caveat, the fee on lodging the mortgage or new caveat (up to the amount secured by the caveat being withdrawn) shall be… $50
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ and for each additional one thousand dollars… (Where two or more abatements of fees are applicable to the same case, their effect shall not be cumulative, and the applicant shall be required to pay the greater fee.) $5
Fee No. : 8
On lodging for registration of a transfer on sale or exchange of land, or a mortgage or charge, or on the lodging of a caveat against dealing with land. When the value of the land or interest or amount of mortgage or charge does not exceed $2,000 $10
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made__ 1) Where a mortgage or charge by an applicant for first registration of title is lodged with the application for registration or if lodged subsequent to the date of first registration but before the issue of the certificate of title there shall be paid on the mortgage or charge a fee... $50
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ 2) Where a mortgage or charge by the transferee under a transfer value is lodged with the transfer, the fee on the mortgage or charge (whether paid on the amount at the time of first registration or on further advances thereunder subsequent to registration) shall be reduced to one-half and further mortgages or charges by the same mortgager to the same mortgagee on the security of the same property shall fall under this abatement. $0
Fee No. : 8
Abatements : The following abatements of fees specified in Fee No. 8 shall be made __ 5) Where on the registration of the discharge of a mortgage or charge or the withdrawal of a caveat, a new mortgage or charge affecting the same land or any part thereof is lodged in favour of the proprietor of the former mortgage or charge, or the caveator, the fee payable on the new mortgage or charge, in so far as the amount secured does not exceed the maximum amount at any time secured by the former mortgage or charge or the document copy whereof accompanied the caveat shall be... $100
Fee No. : 9
On lodging a caveat by a lender under the Agricultural Loans Act __ Provided that in no such case shall the fee exceed.. $10,000
Fee No. : 10
On lodging for registration of a discharge of a mortgage or charge wholly or partially or a satisfaction of an annuity or a surrender of lease… $1,000
Fee No. : 11(a)
On lodging for registration of__ a) An Instrument appointing a Receiver… $5,000
Fee No. : 11(b)
On lodging for registration of__ b) A Power of Attorney… $2,000
Fee No. : 12
On lodgment of an attested copy of a Power of Attorney and noting the original and copy… $2,500
Fee No. : 13
On lodging application for cancellation of lost Certificate of Title $3,000
Fee No. : 14
For a Search Certificate for every Certificate of Title mentioned therein… $1,000
Fee No. : 15
For an order for stay of registration for every Certificate of Title mentioned therein… $3,000
Fee No. : 16
For each withdrawal of caveat… $500
Fee No. : 17
For giving notice to caveator under paragraph 2 of section 140… $1,500
Fee No. : 18
On lodging an application for an entry of foreclosure… $5,000
Fee No. : 19
For every search in one matter only… $500
Fee No. : 20
For every general search… $800
Fee No. : 21
For every map deposited… $5,000
Fee No. : 22
For depositing documents declaratory of trusts… $1,000
Fee No. : 23
For registering recovery of possession or registering the lessee or surrenderee.. $1,000
Fee No. : 24
For registering vesting of lease in mortgagee on refusal of trustee to accept same… $1,000
Fee No. : 25
For entering notice of Marriage or Death including Death of joint proprietor of land lease or mortgage; for every Certificate of Title in which entered… $1,000
Fee No. : 26
For entering notice of Writ of Seizure and Sale or an Order of Court… $2,000
Fee No. : 27
For entering satisfaction of any such Writ… $2,000
Fee No. : 28
For Order dispensing with production of any duplicate grant certificate or instrument… $2,500
Fee No. : 29
For Order for and inspection of any documents permanently retained to include all other documents mentioned in any order… $2,500
Fee No. : 30
When any application, Instrument, Caveat, Order, Writ, Notice, Declaration of Trust, or other entry to be registered purports to deal with land comprised in more than one Certificate of Title an additional fee in respect of each certificate after the first… $1,000
Fee No. : 31
For copy of or extract from any document deposited in support of an application to bring land under the Act retained, or from any caveat. Flat fee per page $100
Fee No. : 32
For every certified copy, for every page $100
Fee No. : 33
For every Summons under section 15 of the Act $1,000
Fee No. : 34
Where an examination is conducted in relation to a summons under Section 15 of the Act, for every 15 minutes occupied   $500
Fee No. : 35
For examination thereunder for every 15 minutes occupied… $20
Fee No. : 35
For statement of grounds under Section 156… $5,000
Fee No. : 36
For entry of the trustee of a bankrupt, as a transferee or proprietor. $3,000
Fee No. : 37

On lodging an application for amendment to the Register, etc.

Fee No. : 38

For the expedited registration of a single transaction, to be processed within 1 business day from the date of lodgement 

Fee No. : 39(1)

For the expedited registration of a single transaction to be $10,000
processed  $10, 000 within 1 business day from the date of lodgement

Fee No. : 39(2)

For the expedited registration of a single transaction requiring the issuance of a Certificate of Title without plan , to be processed within 5 business days from the date of lodgement:


a) On lodging application for the cancellation of lost Certificate of Title   $20,000
b) Any other lodgement resulting in the issuance of a new Certificate of Title   $15,000
Fee No. : 40
For attendance by non-legal staff of the Office of Titles, for any single day, or part thereof at:  
a) A Resident Magistrate’s Court   $5,000
b) The Supreme Court   $8,000
Fee No. : 40
For attendance for a single day, or any part thereof, at any of the single courts within the Island by:  
a) Junior Counsel   $15,000
b) Senior Counsel   $20,000
Fee No. : 41
For an application for the return of a document not yet registered   $5,000
Fee No. : 42(1)

For pre-examination of document(s) to be lodged for registration where said document(s) pertains to the land comprised in one Certificate of Title 

Fee No. : 42(2)
For the pre-examination of document(s) to be lodged for registration where said document(s) pertains to the land comprised in more than one Certificate of Title, an additional fee in respect of each Certificate of Title after the first Certificate of Title


Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts September 10, 2024

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  • +876.750.5263
  • +876.946.5263
  • +876.418.5089
  • 8 Ardenne Road Kingston 10
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