Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

Effective July 31, 2020, pursuant to legislative amendments in the Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2020 and the Registration of Titles (Amendments) Act, 2020 [hereinafter referred to as “SPA” and “RTA” respectively], the following applications may be submitted to the Registrar of Titles for registration without reference to the Referee of Titles (Section 28A and 28B RTA):


1. An Application to register land where a Certificate Of Compliance is issued under the Facilities For Titles Act

On initial lodgement of Application:

  1. Application form*
  2. Certificate of Compliance
  3. Pre-checked survey diagram or reference to a Cadastral Map, where applicable
  4. Subdivision Approval or Section 5 waiver** (where required)

On submission of proof of advertisement of provisional approval:

  • Proof of payment of property tax up to the date of grant of provisional approval

2. An Application to register land where an Adjudication Certificate is issued under the SPA

On initial lodgement of Application:

  1. Adjudication Certificate
  2. Pre-checked survey diagram or reference to a Cadastral Map, where applicable
  3. Subdivision Approval or Section 5 waiver**(where required)
  4. Proof of payment of property tax OR letter requesting Registrar’s Caveat pursuant to Section 15(d) RTA.

3. An Application to register land made pursuant to a court order under which the court has determined ownership

On initial lodgement of Application:

  1. Application form*
  2. Court Order
  3. Pre-checked survey diagram or reference to a Cadastral Map, where applicable
  4. Subdivision Approval or Section 5 waiver**(where required)

On submission of proof of advertisement of provisional approval:

  • Proof of payment of property tax up to the date of grant of provisional approval


4. An Application to re-register lands with reference to a survey plan

On initial lodgement of Application:

  1. Application form*
  2. Duplicate Certificate of Title
  3. Pre-checked survey diagram


*     The existing application form (entitled “Application to Bring Land Under the Operation of the Registration of Titles Law”) available at

**    Declaration by the Minister pursuant to Section 5(a)(i) of the Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) Act, 2005

Depending on the circumstances of an application, additional supporting documents may be required. 


Applications to register land pursuant to Section 29 RTA (submitted to Referee of Titles)

By virtue of the said legislative amendments, applicants under Applications to register land pursuant to Section 29 RTA are no longer required to show evidence of payment of property tax on lodgement of the application.

They are now required to show evidence of payment of property tax where provisional approval has been granted. of payment of property tax where provisional approval has been granted.


Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts May 14, 2024

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  • +876.750.5263
  • +876.946.5263
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  • 8 Ardenne Road Kingston 10