The National Land Agency invites bids for the
Supply & Delivery of Fourteen (14) Multifunction Printers
and Consumables (2 Lots)
Scope: Supply & Delivery of Fourteen (14) Multifunction Printers and Consumables (2 Lots) as follows:
Eligibility Requirements
Availability of Tender Documents and Bid Submission
This is an online tender where tender documents, clarifications and bid submissions will only be made available and accepted via the Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement Portal – GOJEP (www.gojep.gov.jm). No offline (hard copies) will be accepted and there will be no physical drop box for drop-off of tender documents.
• Tender documents can be downloaded as of Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
Submission Deadline
Tenders must be submitted via www.gojep.gov.jm no later than Friday, October 21, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Late Bids will be automatically rejected by the System. Bidders are therefore urged to commence bid upload at least two (2) hours prior to the submission time.
The Procuring Entity will not be held liable for bids not submitted on time due to late commencement of bid upload. At the first sign of any technical difficulties, bidders must make contact with the Ministry of Finance, Office of Public Procurement Policy (OPPP).
Additionally, for assistance regarding training, download of tender documents and upload of tender proposals, please contact the Ministry of Finance, Office of Public Procurement Policy (OPPP) Care Desk at 876-932-5220/932-5246/932-5253 or via email at opppcustomercare@mof.gov.jm
The National Land Agency is not obliged to accept the lowest or any bid and also reserves the right to terminate the bid process at any point before the award of a contract without incurring liability to any of the bidders.
Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts September 10, 2024
For general information about our services, please contact us at: