Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

The workshop has been very enlightening. The information that I have received will greatly assist me in preparing documentation for submission to the National Land Agency, as I have a much clearer understanding of what the officers look for when they examine documentation.  Some things that in my mind were simple and could be neglected are now significant for me, as I am now aware that they are priority when documents are submitted for registration. The program has also helped to make my work easier, as I am aware of some of the nuances of the registration process. Matters previously thought to be impossible can now be accomplished because of the guidance that I have received.

Additionally, and most importantly, I have been introduced to some persons who play significant roles in the National Land Agency, and who can provide clarification on matters very quickly, especially by e-mail, and thereby accelerate the registration process. Since commencing the programme, I have been able to obtain information in a matter of minutes by e-mail from the very helpful and knowledgeable officers at the National Land Agency. All the facilitators of the presentations, etc are courteous, friendly and knowledgeable. I am very pleased with the programme.

Odette Francis – Senior Securities Officer, EXIM Bank


The Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop gave me an opportunity to broaden my knowledge and skills and also give me a better understanding of the various required processes.  I appreciate the professionals that I met and the perspectives each shared with the class.  I have found that each session builds upon the next and that I can apply the skills that I learned in the course, giving me practice to get better and better. The seminar is filled with valuable information that I refer to regularly; even after the course has been completed.  The material presented increased my level of interest and build enthusiasm.  It was clear to me that they all knew their stuff!! I quickly found out, with their guidance, how very interesting this field is with their positive approach that came through the virtual classroom loud and clear. 
I also want to take a moment to recognize all the presenters, they are all simply phenomenal.  Finally, I had an enjoyable and challenging time, and would definitely recommend this program to anyone wanting to learn about and/or enhance their existing knowledge of the legal field."
Thank you.

Hyacinth B. Rhoden
Senior Secretary, 
Legal & Corporate Secretarial Division
National Export-Import Bank of Jamaica Limited


When I went on the NLA’s website and say this course advertised, I toyed with the idea of applying. I hesitated however as I thought to myself that with more than 25 years of practice at the Private Bar with most of that spent specializing - to some extent – in Real Estate, how much could this course tell me that I did not already know.

I saw the add for the second group and I glanced at it again, with pretty much the same lack of interest.

The third time however something told me, “maybe you should attend this seminar” if nothing else I would get a chance to understand or at least get some explanation for the annoying things that seem to happen to documents filed in the Office of Titles. Those rejections of perfectly good documents which have every practitioner at one time or another wishing it was lawful to strangle some members of staff of the Titles Office.

I am glad I decided to participate. 
Not only have I had the opportunity to meet some of the most pleasant and helpful members of staff that any institution could every wish for and to work and learn alongside a group of wonderful people, but I also learnt so much about almost every area of a practice which I previously considered myself an expert in.

I would unhesitatingly recommend this seminar to any practitioner who believes he (or she) is an expert in conveyancing. You have nothing to lose but your own misconception and so much more to gain



Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts May 14, 2024

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