Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

To the Registrar,

Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop May 12, 2015 - July 7, 2015 is almost  history and I give God thanks for allowing me to be a participant. The vision to host such workshop was no doubt an inspiration from God.The registration process, welcome and introduction of the various presenters by Ms. Christine Coward was an indication from the beginning that the course would be an enlightening and fulfilling one. The course outline and the efficient manner in which each presenter took us through the different subject areas with clarity was outstanding.  Refreshment was well presented on a daily basis and the only challenge was with some of our fellow participants. The knowledge and experience gained from this workshop will no doubt assist me in performing my daily task with much accuracy. I therefore recommend that all efforts be made to advertise this workshop so that others, especially persons in the legal profession can benefit from the wealth of knowledge that it has to offer.

God bless.
Sheila Brown


The National Land Agency, Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop has been a very practical “hands on” programme.  Notwithstanding that I have been an Attorney for many years, I have found the course to be very informative and the Facilitators to be very experienced in their subject area.

From the very start of the workshop on May 12, 2015, participants were introduced to Conveyancing principles and procedure that were very useful. Like many of the participants, I have benefitted from attending the programme and will certainly recommend it to others.

I do believe that the principles and procedures will be put into practice by all the participants and as such this transfer of knowledge will ensure fewer documents being rejected by the Office of Titles.  I must also commend the National Land Agency for putting in place all the infrastructure to facilitate the titling process being more efficient and effective.

Well done NLA.

Yvonne Barnett Russell


I have been practising law and dealing with a lot of land registration and conveyance matters for over ten (10) years, so one would think that the course was not necessary for me, but I can state emphatically that this was not so.  The course was so relevant and necessary in helping me to have a more complete knowledge of the laws that deal with land and how to apply them in providing solutions to my clients’ land issues. I would, therefore, recommend it to everyone who has to deal with land matters, no matter how much experience and knowledge you may have.

In addition to the relevant legal knowledge garnered, obtaining directly, from the legal officers and the personnel who process the various applications made to the National Land Agency (NLA), the information they look for and the reasons for rejecting our “supposedly perfect documents” were very valuable to me and I know that, because of this course, I will be having less and less rejected documents from the NLA.I wish to also express thanks to the NLA and all its staff who put together the materials presented to us.  I found the information therein very useful and again know that they will assist greatly in the provision of more efficient service to my clients and a higher standard in the documents prepared from my office.

I cannot end this testimonial without speaking of the high level of professionalism, warmth and friendliness displayed by all the staff of the NLA, from the security personnel to the Registrar of Titles.  The presenters of the course material were all very good and delivered with a high level of professionalism.  I complete the course with the knowledge that the NLA has an open door to just about anyone and the same level of services will be offered to everyone who visit the NLA, whether that person is a Proprietor, Bearer, Attorney-at-Law or a Member of Parliament.
Again, I must state how much I recommend this course.

Rowena Buddington
Buddington & Company 
26 Beechwood Avenue
Kingston 5

Presley Clarke
Lands Superintendent

I am responsible for a team of professionals who acquire lands for the purposes of bauxite mining, haul road construction, resettlement subdivisions and any other purpose that the company may deem necessary.  The process includes but not limited to securing a title in the name of the Company and also providing a title for the resettled land owner.

The Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop covered every aspect of land transaction that we encounter in our daily activities.

This very exciting workshop has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge that is truly invaluable.

The theoretical presentations coupled with the hands on practical helped to cement the learnings in a way that brought out a greater appreciation of the many services provided by the National Land Agency.

I applaud the organizers and presenters on a job well done.  Their patience and professionalism really made learning easy.  My expectations have been exceeded.

It was quite refreshing how courteous the staff of the NLA is.  This experience starts with pleasant security officers and other members of staff who never fails to say good morning.

I will certainly recommend this workshop to my colleagues and all persons who have dealings with land in any way, shape or form.


Friends who had taken the National Land Agency course informed that it was very good and that I would get a good grounding in the law and procedure in Jamaica on registered land. I came to the course with high expectation and was not disappointed.

Not only was the course informative, practical and very relevant, but I was surprised how detail it was explaining what to do and what not to do in transactions with registered land.   

What came across was how the staff at the land agency that deal with the various applications want applicants to succeed in their matter and that they wish to help not to hinder or obstruct. To this end they will endeavour within the parameter of the law, to ensure that due consideration is given to their   applications

As to the course itself, the two sessions of three hours per week was more than adequate. Short enough to absorb the information given and to discus the practicality in its application. I particularly liked the fact that there were different presenters from the various departments speaking on different areas of land transactions. Of course some presenters were better than others but this served to make it more interesting. I must also add that I found the staff to be exceptionally friendly and willing to assist and encouraged the course participants to contact them after the conclusion of the course, if they had any difficulties or questions in their land matters.  

Would I recommend this course, unreservedly my answer would be yes.


I have always heard great reviews about the National Land Agency’s Conveyancing Workshop. Having now participated, I am convinced that the reviews were not exaggerated but were built on honest assessments.

I wish to extend kudos to the conceptualizers and the team who gave of their expertise, experiences and knowledge to make my learning experience an exceptional one.  My understanding of conveyancing has been enhanced not only by a review of existing legislation but by a greater appreciation of the nuances and subtleties in the application thereof.

I believe that the team who led the learning experience is a credit to the organization and I wish each and everyone great success in the years to come.

With every blessing,

P.A. Ramsaran

Legal Officer

Ministry of Transport Works & Housing

25 Dominica Drive 

Kingston 5



Enlightening, instructive, informative … are just some of the adjectives that could be used to describe the NLA’s Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop. The course provided an understanding of land registration and conveyancing, touching a diversity of areas and apprising participants of not just the procedures involved but also the accompanying documentation required to ensure the registration process is a seamless one.

Presenters were engaging and knowledgeable and their commitment to avail themselves outside of the workshop to handle queries and concerns, whether by telephone, email or otherwise, is admirable.   

I now have a better appreciation for the work carried out by the NLA team, having had a  first-hand view of the operations of the various sections coupled with the interactive hands-on sessions.

This Workshop is certainly very relevant for all conveyancing practitioners or just about anyone who has dealings in land registration.  Rejected “bounced” documents” are not favourably received and can be frustrating, so why not “get it right the first time” by getting the benefits that this course provides.

My boss recommended that I attend this workshop as she felt it would provide valuable information and she was right.  I am grateful for this opportunity as the knowledge gained is a life-long benefit. Knowledge is power and I am now more empowered having participated in this workshop.

Kudos to the NLA Team!!!

Merril Tomlinson
Legal Secretary
COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union Ltd



Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts May 14, 2024

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